PROJECT MINNIE was inspired by three special individuals.
First, a wonderful cat named Minnie who brought so much love and happiness to all who knew her.
The other two are Clutch and Feather, who were homeless. Clutch was standing on the side of the road with a sign asking for money. His beloved Feather was by his side. Clutch explained that the money
wasn’t for him; it was for his dog, Feather. Although he had no home and slept in a tent, he said he didn’t need anything because he had food stamps.
But, food stamps cannot be used for dog food, so he needed the money to buy food for Feather. Clutch and Feather only had each other in the world and asked for so little.
Pet guardians struggle to provide nutritious food and other necessities to their furry companions. By providing nutritious food, reusable and collapsible bowls, harnesses, leashes, collars, sweaters and healthcare education, we hope to help keep pets of the homeless happy and healthy.